Homeschool Unlocked
Homeschool Unlocked. It's not school, it's life! We address topics that will help parents take the fear out of homeschooling because homeschooling isn't about feeling stuck doing school at home. Being a homeschool parent is about inspiring by being an example, guiding by engaging in conversations, and encouraging by building relationships that are full of life. Whether parents are thinking about starting to homeschool or they have been at it for a while, we are focused on equipping them with concepts and strategies necessary to see daily activities as learning opportunities to be enjoyed with their children. Parents then realize that homeschooling unlocked, well, "it's not school, it's life!"
Homeschool Unlocked
#89 - Clay, Creativity, and Connection: Exploring Pottery in Homeschooling
In this episode, Jesús and Monica discuss the joy of embracing seasonal activities, specifically through hands-on learning with clay. They share their excitement about taking pottery classes. Benefits include focusing on fine motor skills, reflecting on how God is the potter and we are the clay, and generating great conversations. They highlight the flexibility and beauty of homeschooling, which allows families to incorporate meaningful, hands-on experiences into education. Plus, they share a new resource -- a downloadable unit study! Find it on their IG page this Saturday, October 12th, 2024.
#HomeschoolUnlocked #HandsOnLearning #ClayCrafts #CreativeHomeschooling #FamilyLearning #SeasonalLearning #FaithAndHomeschool #OctoberActivities #PotteryFun #HomeschoolInspiration
Welcome to the Homeschool Unlocked podcast, (0:06) the show that helps parents see homeschooling (0:09) as a unique opportunity. (0:11) So forget fear, you can inspire, (0:15) you can guide your child. (0:18) Homeschool Unlocked, it's not school, it's life.(0:28) Well, hello, welcome to episode 89 taking place in October. (0:33) Amen. (0:34) And one of my favorite quotes for October is, (0:37) I am so glad that we live in a world (0:39) where there are Octobers, do you know who said that? (0:42) I do not, my love.(0:44) It was Anne, Anne from Anne of Green Gables. (0:47) Anne of Anne of Green Gables, okay. (0:49) I mean, you know me, somebody like myself (0:51) from South Florida, Octobers look very, (0:55) look pretty much the same as every other month, (0:57) but that's okay.(0:59) But now that we're in Tallahassee. (1:01) Now that we're in Tallahassee, (1:02) definitely October is different. (1:04) That's right, and welcome to Homeschool Unlocked.(1:06) I'm Monica Aviles. (1:08) And I'm Jesus Aviles. (1:09) Today, we're actually gonna be talking about (1:12) a wonderful activity that we are going to be enjoying (1:14) in October and why you should enjoy this as well from home, (1:19) especially with your kids.(1:21) What is that activity, my love? (1:23) Well, it has to do with clay. (1:25) Clay? (1:26) Yes. (1:27) Okay, super interesting.(1:28) Being that it's October and it's a great time (1:30) to enjoy nature, one of the activities (1:34) that we're gonna be having fun with (1:36) is actually taking a pottery class. (1:39) Ooh, who's gonna take that? (1:40) Me, you? (1:41) No, you actually have a Bible study (1:44) that you are doing on Sunday. (1:46) So October's not as great for me (1:48) and it's good for you and somebody else.(1:51) Well, you are actually, you are hands-on (1:54) learning and growing. (1:56) I'm molding clay. (1:57) I'm molding human clays.(1:58) That's right. (1:59) Human vessels, clay vessels. (2:01) And so the boys, Joel and Geronimo, (2:03) are gonna be taking a class.(2:05) Oh, okay. (2:05) And then Mila and I are gonna be taking a class. (2:07) And I'm super excited because we get to be creative (2:10) and curious.(2:11) There's actually scripture verses that are in the Bible (2:14) that have to do with clay. (2:16) And so we'll get to that in a second. (2:17) But first, I wanna ask you some true (2:21) and false questions about clay.(2:22) Man, I am ready. (2:23) I'm a clay expert. (2:25) All right, true or false.(2:27) Clay has been used to make pottery for over 10,000 years. (2:31) Yes. (2:32) Yes.(2:33) Yeah, and 10,000 years (2:34) is definitely not millions and millions of years (2:37) like evolutionists would propose. (2:39) So yes, 10,000 years. (2:41) How about true or false? (2:42) Okay, ready.(2:43) The ancient Egyptians used clay to build houses. (2:47) False. (2:49) It's actually true.(2:50) Oh, I didn't know that. (2:51) Yes, because they used mud bricks. (2:53) And so- (2:54) See, I was thinking bricks.(2:55) Are bricks made out of clay? (2:56) I have no idea. (2:56) Yeah, well, because clay and straw (2:59) were used to form these mud bricks. (3:01) Oh, that's right.(3:02) I remember that. (3:03) And number three, you can find clay naturally (3:06) in the ground all over the world. (3:09) All over the world? (3:10) Yes, I like baseball, (3:12) and I know we play on clay fields, that red dirt.(3:15) So I'm figuring, I don't know where they get it from. (3:17) Why not around the world? (3:18) Yes, I mean, maybe not in Antarctica, (3:22) but pretty much everywhere else. (3:24) So your question that I can find it all around the world (3:27) is true, except it's not.(3:30) Because in Antarctica, apparently, maybe not. (3:34) I have to research that. (3:36) Okay.(3:36) In Isaiah 64, eight, it says, (3:40) we are the clay and you are the potter. (3:42) And so with this simple activity (3:45) that we're gonna be enjoying in October, (3:47) starting in October. (3:48) Excellent.(3:49) It was actually this past Sunday, (3:52) because I've been very excited, (3:53) I started a little Pinterest board. (3:55) I wanna go in to our class (3:57) and have an idea already knowing (4:00) some basic clay things, right? (4:03) Okay, okay. (4:04) Because everything has its own terminology, (4:06) everything has its own words and definitions (4:08) and techniques.(4:09) And so I know we're gonna go to this class (4:12) and we're gonna learn those things, (4:13) but I kinda like going in already a little bit aware. (4:16) And it's just watching these videos, (4:20) and it's such a simple thing. (4:21) You roll the little ball of clay (4:23) and you start forming it (4:24) and here are different techniques.(4:26) It just was reminding me, (4:27) that's exactly what God, (4:30) how God likens us (4:33) and how he formed us and he shaped us (4:37) and we're fearfully and wonderfully made (4:38) and he wove us together in our mother's womb (4:40) and even Adam, how he formed Adam from the earth. (4:45) So it's this really beautiful activity (4:47) that we're gonna be enjoying. (4:49) And then from the school psych perspective, (4:52) that whole fine motor coordination, (4:56) the fine motor dexterity, visual spatial skills, (4:59) that's also a massive skill set to build (5:01) while you're doing that.(5:02) That's right. (5:02) And actually, if you're joining us for the first time, (5:06) Jesus, honey, why don't you tell them (5:08) a little bit about your experience? (5:10) Yeah, yeah. (5:10) So we're talking about my professional training? (5:12) Yeah.(5:13) Yeah, so, I mean, for approximately 20 years, (5:17) I mean, I've been a youth pastor for the past, (5:18) maybe two and a half, (5:20) but the previous approximately 20 years, (5:22) I've worked as a school psychologist. (5:24) And so, I tend to step into the equation (5:27) after maybe some difficulties have been identified. (5:30) And some of the difficulties sometimes involve (5:33) telling your hands to do what your brain wants it to do.(5:36) Sometimes telling your hands to do what your eyes are seeing. (5:40) So I've done all kinds of assessments (5:42) tied to visual motor integration, fine motor dexterity. (5:46) That's the kind of stuff where I would do assessments (5:49) and then you would have occupational therapists (5:51) come behind me and confirm any findings (5:54) or suspicions that I have.(5:56) But just that whole hands and doing and seeing (6:00) and bright brain type of imagination is great. (6:03) Well, and I wonder too, if maybe kids using pencils (6:09) and really asking them to do things with writing (6:13) at a younger age than maybe in ancient history (6:19) makes their, kind of results in a problem (6:22) that wasn't there before (6:24) because although they were using their hands, right? (6:27) If they're making clay, if they're making vessels, (6:29) or if they're churning, if they're making butter, (6:31) if they're working and doing farm projects, (6:34) they were developing those fine motor skills, (6:36) but not necessarily the same way (6:39) that we expect them to do today, (6:41) which is sitting at a desk holding a pencil. (6:44) Yeah, yeah, yeah, quite possible.(6:45) You know what I mean? (6:46) You have gross motor, (6:47) which is just these big broad movements, (6:49) walking and that kind of stuff. (6:50) And the fine motor stuff, (6:52) these pencils, they get thinner and they get smaller (6:54) and the points go from 0.9 to 0.7 to 0.5. (6:58) And it does get more difficult. (6:59) I mean, part of, you would call it assistive technology.(7:02) It doesn't necessarily need to be technical, (7:05) but assistive technology where they're adding (7:07) like little rubber pieces to actually make the pen (7:09) a little bit bigger where the fingers are at, (7:12) you know, maybe increasing, (7:14) not just the size of the pencil, but the size of the lid. (7:17) These are just little things that you could do (7:20) in case your kid kind of runs into some fine motor stuff. (7:23) But you know, you can work on fine motor skills (7:25) by giving a kid a pen and having them write stuff, (7:28) or you can have them work with clay.(7:30) That's right. (7:31) And that's the beauty of homeschooling (7:33) is that we can step back from the more conventional way (7:37) that in the past 100 years, (7:39) we've said, this is how you learn (7:41) and go back to other ways of learning. (7:44) I mean, what if they could make like little long coils (7:48) and then form letters using the clay (7:51) and really get their hands, you know, dirty in a sense, (7:54) really put their hands on that clay, shape it (7:57) instead of, well, if they're not holding a pencil (8:00) and developing fine motor skills, (8:02) that way it would might be their remote control (8:05) for their video games.(8:06) That is correct. (8:07) And, you know, and then their eyes are stationary (8:10) when they're watching the video games, (8:12) but if they were playing with clay, they're moving around, (8:15) they're looking at different things, (8:16) there's different textures that are involved. (8:18) Yeah, yeah, yeah.(8:18) So. (8:20) Super three dimensional, by the way. (8:21) You know what I mean? (8:22) The whole concept of length, width, depth, right? (8:25) So they're able to get the three dimensions of an object.(8:27) They can actually put their hands on it, (8:29) which is very different from a one dimensional (8:31) or two dimensional or three dimensional. (8:33) I mean, yeah, on paper. (8:34) And so at this month, at Home School Unlocked, (8:38) at home here, we're gonna be enjoying clay, (8:41) we're gonna be enjoying two other activities, (8:44) and we're turning it into a unit study (8:47) that you can download.(8:50) You can go to our Instagram page, (8:53) it's going to be uploaded there. (8:55) Tomorrow is the 9th of October, (8:58) so it'll be up there by Saturday. (9:00) You're gonna be able to download that (9:02) and follow along with what we're gonna be doing this month (9:05) and really taking the time to slow down and enjoy nature (9:10) and do some studying and develop an appreciation (9:12) for slowing down, for getting away (9:17) from electronic things and sources (9:20) and engaging meaningful and hands-on activities (9:24) that you can enjoy as a family.(9:26) Yeah, and if I can add to that, I mean, I don't know. (9:29) I mean, maybe I'm just thinking about it. (9:31) When you think of the season, (9:32) you definitely think of clay, (9:34) you definitely think of that orange terracotta type color.(9:38) So that kind of adds a very seasonal vibe to it. (9:41) Also, we're about to hit a season (9:42) where there's gonna be a lot of eating (9:46) and drinking of juices and all that kind of stuff. (9:49) You may be able to make all the, what do you call it? (9:54) The pottery.(9:54) All the pottery tied to eating it. (9:56) Could you imagine? (9:57) That would be so great (9:58) if you kind of just work that stuff out, (10:00) a plate, a spoon, maybe not a spoon, (10:02) but like a cup or stuff like that. (10:04) But I have a question to ask you, my love.(10:06) What made you kind of just want to go do pottery? (10:10) How'd you discover that? (10:11) How'd you find that? (10:13) There's a local community center here in Tallahassee (10:17) that's offering classes. (10:19) And I really wanted to do something with the kids (10:22) that would just get us just a new activity, right? (10:27) And so it worked out that Joelle and Geronimo (10:31) are gonna be able to be in this class together (10:33) and that Mila and I could take this class together. (10:36) And I really wanted to spend some time with Mila.(10:38) It is her senior year. (10:39) We talked about that this summer, (10:42) but I want to spend time with her. (10:44) I really want to just do something (10:47) that is gonna give us not only time together, (10:52) but then also I do better with activities.(10:55) I'm not necessarily the best at small talk. (10:58) And so if we're talking about planning our projects (11:03) and getting the supplies together, (11:05) well, that means we have to drive together. (11:07) That means we have to brainstorm.(11:09) If I want to create a little project (11:11) to kind of honor and remember my mom. (11:15) And so what would that be? (11:17) And then I already kind of know what I'm gonna make. (11:20) And then what am I gonna put on it? (11:21) Mila, what do you think about this? (11:23) And so we end up generating a lot of conversation, (11:27) but the foundation is an activity.(11:31) And that just makes it easier for me. (11:33) So beautiful people, (11:34) if you've ever wondered if homeschool, (11:37) again, viewing homeschool as a vehicle (11:40) to move towards something, (11:42) if you ever wanted to have beautiful conversations (11:44) with your own child, (11:45) actually engage in activities with your child, (11:47) this is just one example of how homeschool can be used (11:51) in this particular way. (11:53) Remember, homeschool is not necessarily the destination.(11:55) Homeschool is the vehicle (11:56) toward all kinds of things you want to achieve. (11:58) And Monica just kind of just really wanted (12:01) to have conversations with her daughter (12:02) during her senior year and able to work on something. (12:05) Both are super artistic.(12:06) And so I'm super glad, baby, (12:08) you were able to use the freedom that we find, (12:10) the flexibility that we find in homeschooling (12:12) to just have another great opportunity with her. (12:16) Yeah, and so in the unit study, (12:18) there's gonna be a list of 10 simple clay activities. (12:22) You can buy this clay, even if it's air dry clay, (12:26) it doesn't have to be anything that you need a kiln for.(12:29) And again, it's not even that what you're making, (12:32) it's kind of like when you're writing a paper (12:34) or any activity, the goal is not the product, (12:38) the goal is the process, to enjoy that process. (12:42) So there are gonna be projects, (12:44) I'm sure we're gonna take a picture of them. (12:45) And then we're going to, (12:47) I was learning about how to make slip.(12:49) And so you can take your clay (12:50) and then put it back in water (12:52) and it basically dissolves and becomes kind of like a glue. (12:56) So just that whole process of, (12:58) hey, we are gonna make something, it may not turn out, (13:01) that's okay, we're gonna try again (13:02) in perseverance and patience. (13:05) So there's also going to be in the unit study, (13:09) some books that we're recommending for you to enjoy.(13:12) It's a unit study you're putting together. (13:14) Right, and it'll be available through our Instagram page. (13:18) And this is part of us growing too.(13:20) And doing something different at a homeschool unlocked (13:23) because that's part of what we are enjoying as parents (13:27) is we wanna continue to grow (13:28) because we wanna inspire our kids. (13:31) And we want to show them that being uncomfortable (13:35) is worthwhile, that there's a value to it. (13:38) And even as I was even talking about this with Johan, (13:41) I said, I just feel like I'm failing a lot.(13:43) And he says, well, mom, (13:44) that's because you're trying new things. (13:46) If you weren't trying new things, (13:48) you wouldn't ever feel like you're failing. (13:50) I like it, my love, I like it.(13:51) So yeah, it was really encouraging. (13:53) It's when you look at your kid and you're like, (13:55) wow, you're wise. (13:57) You might be getting it.(13:59) Well, beautiful homeschool unlocked family, (14:02) we just wanted to say we love you, (14:03) we thank you for this particular episode. (14:05) But my love, can I tell you, (14:06) while you were speaking, a song came to mind. (14:08) Oh, okay, let's do it.(14:09) It's Billy Ocean's song. (14:11) If homeschool is a vehicle, (14:13) I needed to get out of my dreams, (14:17) get in to my car. (14:19) Now, baby, I want you to synthesize the voice (14:22) so I can, you know, so I can sound real good.(14:26) If it does sound good, (14:28) none of this has been tweaked. (14:29) This is my natural voice. (14:31) Yes, he actually does.(14:33) He has a great falsetto. (14:34) Like you could be a Jersey boy. (14:37) I appreciate it, sweetie.(14:38) I appreciate it, baby. (14:40) I could be one of the Four Seasons, I got it. (14:41) We'll have to ask Tommy if he can give you some lessons.(14:44) We'll take it, I'll take it. (14:45) So Homeschool Unlocked family, (14:47) we want you to enjoy this October, (14:49) and we are going to provide a resource (14:52) to help simplify things for you (14:54) so you can be very, just full of ideas, (14:57) some quotes, books, you know, (15:00) just the nuts and bolts of a unit study (15:03) that you can make your own for these next four weeks. (15:07) It's gonna be a perfect tie-in between October and November, (15:13) and very easy to implement.(15:16) Love it. (15:17) So share this with a friend. (15:19) And hit up that Instagram.(15:21) Yes, yes. (15:22) Follow us on Instagram. What's our handle? (15:25) At homeschoolunlocked.(15:26) We are homeschoolunlocked on Instagram. (15:28) Share this with a friend who also enjoys living in a world (15:32) where there are Octobers. (15:34) Amen.(15:43) Thank you for spending time with us today. (15:47) Check out our link below and subscribe to our podcast. (15:51) We hope that we helped you (15:53) by unlocking a new way of seeing homeschooling.(15:57) Who else needs to hear this? (15:59) Only you know. (16:00) So take action and share it. (16:02) Because remember, homeschool unlocked, (16:06) it's not school, it's life.